At GIT Mom, I’m all about supporting other mamas. There are so many women I have met who are inspirational – they get off mommy island and GET IT TOGETHER! I was very happy to chat with one of these women, Lisa Wilder, owner of FIT4MOM.
FIT4Mom Chicago is a fitness company for every stage of motherhood. Lisa is married to John and mom to Jackson, Mackenzie and Greyson. She purchased the FIT4MOM Chicago franchise three years ago and offers more than 60 classes a week in the Chicagoland area.
What inspires you?
My kids inspire me. Seeing the world through their eyes has been amazing and I want to be my best self for them. I want them to see a happy, healthy mom.
What tips would you give to new moms trying to balance work and family life?
My advice would be it’s ok to outsource and ask for help. One thing that I learned early on in owning my own business is that it is ok to ask for help. It truly takes a village and one person can’t always do all the things by herself. Also set expectations for your partner. You can’t expect them to know what you need. Your family life will run a lot smoother if everyone is on the same page. Also, hire a housekeeper. ☺
What’s been the single most defining moment of your career journey?
When I was five months pregnant with baby #2, I was let go from my job in financial services. At the time, it was absolutely the worst day of my life. If that had not happened, I would not be where I am today. That moment led to us packing up our little family and moving closer to home… and eventually landing at FIT4MOM Chicago.
How to do you GET IT TOGETHER for your family? What parenting hacks can you share?
I try to plan as much as possible! I make a meal plan every week and write our activity schedule and hang it on the fridge. I try to plan ahead for nights we have lots going on to have a crockpot meal or something we can whip up quickly ready to go. My husband and I (as well as several years of Montessori school) have also taught our kids to be very independent. They pack their own lunches and snacks for school.
Do you have any favorite mottos you can share with us?
“When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
If you won $10 million in the lottery what would you do?
If I won $10 million I would travel!! I would show my kids the world. I would still keep my business as it’s very important to me, but would pay someone else to manage the day to day. My husband and I have actually had this conversation, you know, just in case.
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be and why?
Did you know you can ask the Internet?! According to a short Internet quiz, I would be a meerkat because I am social, loyal and willing to help others.
What are you binge-watching right now?
A Million Little Things! We are hooked! Catching up from the first half of the season, I’ll be sad when we are caught up.
What part of adulting do you hate?
Yardwork! Whether it’s pulling weeds or shoveling snow. It is my least favorite thing to do.
What keeps you up at night?
Now that my kids are getting older, I worry about bullying and them fitting in. We recently moved and they seem to be adjusting well, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry.
Who is your celebrity crush?
My celebrity crush would be The Rock.
What’s your most annoying habit?
I let my car get almost to E before putting gas in it; it drives my husband bonkers.
You can find out more about FIT4Mom at www.fit4mom.com.